Lytvynenko Oleksandr
Measurement of the musculoskeletal system
Disc protrusion, disc herniation
Scoliotic posture
Cardiovascular diseases
Hormonal disorders
Diseases of the respiratory tract
Performs types of massages:
therapeutic massage,
preventive massage,
sports massage,
anti-cellulite massage;
postisometric relaxation
I know such languages
- scientific and practical conference for massage therapists "Diagnostic and therapeutic osteopathy", Kyiv, 2018;
- VI scientific and practical conference for massage therapists, Kyiv, 2019;
- 7th scientific and practical conference for rehabilitators, massage therapists, osteopaths, Kyiv, 2020;
- scientific and practical conference on massage, rehabilitation and osteopathy, Kyiv, 2021.
From the Academy of Professional Education of Beauty Industry Specialists "Partner":
"Kineseological taping";
"Rehabilitation of the patient in the massage room";
"Sports massage";
"Healthy body in one course of therapy";
"Fitness Massage";
"Practical Kinesiology";
"Adapted massage techniques in the comprehensive treatment and prevention of congenital and acquired dysfunctions."
"Postisometric relaxation and diagnostic tool for massages" from the Vocational and Technical Educational Institution "Partner Plus";
"Acupoint massage with the basics of reflexology" from the MPP "alternative Medicine".