Check-up for men «after 40»

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Check-up for men (from 40 years old)
6 460
Modern men live under great pressure and are often exposed to stress. Their health must be carefully monitored, especially in adulthood. We know that you usually do not have extra time, so we have collected all the necessary examinations, taking into account age characteristics, into one comprehensive package. Save time and be healthy!
What is included?
- Consultations
- GP
- Urologist
- Cardiologist
- Online-consultation based on test results
- Lab diagnostics
- Determination of prostate-specific antigen 2 types PSA, FPSA + FPSA/PSA ratio
- Secretion microscopy
- Complete blood count
- Urinalysis
- Glucose (blood)
- Biochemical analysis of blood
(liver tests, kidney tests, lipid profile)
- Instrumental diagnostics
- Prostate ultrasound
- Digital X-ray of the chest (modern analogue of fluorography) in 1 projection
Price: UAH 5 950.00
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